Our Mission


Raising Awareness

This project was brought to life by Rhonda Sherwood. Rhonda's life long goal has been to help develop an aware and healthy society that is devoid of harmful chemicals. In 2018, Rhonda started a green, non-toxic beauty store called Sherwood Green Life. While operating Sherwood Green Life, Rhonda had the idea to start this non-profit. With the help of James Terhune, an intern, Fake Fragrance Free was created. Fake Fragrance Free is not just about the harmful chemicals in artificial fragrances; this is about all endocrine disrupting chemicals that have infiltrated so many products that we use. 

We believe that knowledge is the key: a well informed public can not only make better decisions, but can also influence policy makers who hold serious power in their ability to protect you through safe chemical legislation. While choosing products without harmful chemicals is exactly what we're advocating for, our main goal is to get these chemicals out of products entirely. Doing so will remove the potential for damage to our well-being and children's future. 

Together, this is a future that we can create.