

Raising awareness about harmful, everyday chemicals

Raising awareness about harmful, everyday chemicals

Raising awareness about harmful, everyday chemicalsRaising awareness about harmful, everyday chemicalsRaising awareness about harmful, everyday chemicals


The Problem:

The Endocrine System:

The Endocrine System:

Fake fragrances are a problem. Besides watery eyes and headaches, certain chemicals in artificial fragrances can cause serious health problems. Unfortunately, the problem of fake fragrances is only one part of a much larger problem afflicting our society today: endocrine disrupting chemicals, or EDC's. The introduction of these EDC's has been linked to increases in several incommunicable diseases, such as autism, ADHD, diabetes, and reproductive issues. Our goal is to fight back against these harmful EDC's by spreading awareness about their impact. Everything you need to know about exposure to EDC's and how to prevent them can be found on this site, in addition to links that dive deep into the science of it all.  

The Endocrine System:

The Endocrine System:

The Endocrine System:

The endocrine system is an organ system comprised of the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, the thyroid, the ovaries in women, and the testes in men. The endocrine system releases hormones, a large group of chemicals that control and signal the processes that occur in our body. These processes range from our appetite to our mood to our libido to our growth. The important part is that these hormones are secreted in minute quantities. Therefore, disrupting them with even the tiniest amount of EDC's can have profound consequences. EDC's, which can either mimic or block these hormones, can easily impact your body. Imagine an immense orchestra controlled by a conductor. If the conductor is giving the wrong signals, the orchestra can't play. 

What We're About


Chemicals of Concern

Chemicals of Concern

Chemicals of Concern

Arm yourself with eye-opening and up-to-date facts and statistics about specific chemicals and how they have the potential to harm your health. Don't worry if you're not an expert: we present the data in straightforward and understandable sections. If you want to go deeper, we've also included the relevant studies. 


Why FFF?

Chemicals of Concern

Chemicals of Concern

 The effects of harmful chemicals contribute to numerous societal and personal issues. From increased rates of diabetes, autism, ADHD, reproductive issues, to economic burdens, these chemicals need to go. Keep in mind that our goal is not to scare you into thinking there is no hope. We want to do just the opposite. 


Prevention Guide

Chemicals of Concern

Prevention Guide

Living a clean, non-toxic life is not rocket science. Anyone can do it! We'll give you tips and tricks and do's and don'ts that any health conscientious person should and can follow. We don't expect you to follow every single step exactly; any and all changes are a step in the right direction.

We're Accepting Donations!

After you submit this form saying that you'd like to donate, we'll let you know how you can do that. Any amount is appreciated.

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Learn More


Want to learn more? We'll send you any extra information that you might want. Just fill out your name, email, and a short description of what you want. 

FFF Certified


If you're a business looking to be certified as Fake Fragrance Free, let us know here! We can set up a call or possibly meet in person to look over your business. Let's spread the word about becoming free of fake fragrances together. 

DIY Research

Environmental Working Group

Environmental Working Group

Environmental Working Group


The Environmental Working Group, or EWG, is a group dedicated to providing useful information about all things related to health and the environment. We highly recommend you check your products using the EWG verified section; they know what they're talking about!

PubMed Database

Environmental Working Group

Environmental Working Group


The PubMed database contains much of the scientific data that we use to inform our message and recommendations. We wouldn't be here today without the amazing research cataloged here, so we highly recommend that you check it our for yourself!

Mount Sinai Children's Environmental Health Center

Mount Sinai Children's Environmental Health Center

Mount Sinai Children's Environmental Health Center


As the name would suggest, the Children's Environmental Health Center at Mount Sinai in New York is dedicated to researching how the state of the environment, both physical and chemical, contributes to a child's health.   

Talk Given by Dr. Leo Trasande

Mount Sinai Children's Environmental Health Center

Mount Sinai Children's Environmental Health Center


Watch Dr. Trasande's talk given at Sherwood Green Life. In this talk, Dr. Trasande goes over the harmful effects of hormone disrupting chemicals and what you can do to avoid them.